Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm

About Us


The WRS Council is a Regulator in the Ministry of Investment, Trade & Industry established under Section 3 of the Warehouse Receipt System Act No. 8 of 2019 to develop and regulate the Warehouse Receipt System for structured trade in agricultural commodities produced in Kenya.

WRS ACT 2019
Enactment & WRS Act

In June 2019, the National Assembly enacted the Warehouse Receipt System Act No. 8 of 2019, which officially came into effect in July 2019. This legislation established a comprehensive legal framework for the development and regulation of the Warehouse Receipt System for agricultural commodities in Kenya.

Formation of the WRS Council

On 29th July 2020, the Warehouse Receipt System Council was officially inaugurated by the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development following the appointment of the Council's Chairperson and members. This milestone marked the beginning of efforts to institutionalize and operationalize the WRS.

Implementation of Regulations

In June 2021, the Warehouse Receipt System Regulations, 2021 (LN No. 3) were approved by the National Assembly Committee on Delegated Legislation. These regulations provided a detailed framework for implementing the WRS Act, ensuring clarity on operational standards, licensing, and compliance requirements for certified warehouses.


In 2023, through Executive Order No. 1 of 2023, the Warehouse Receipt System Council was transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (State Department for Crop Development) to the Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry (State Department for Trade). This move was aimed at aligning the WRS with broader trade and investment strategies, enhancing its integration into national and international markets.


To establish, develop and maintain
a premier Warehouse Receipt System for Agricultural Commodities


To establish, develop, and maintain
a premier Warehouse Receipt System for Agricultural Commodities


A transformed 
and structured


A transformed and structured agricultural commodity trade.



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The mandate of the Warehouse Receipt System Council is derived from WRS Act, No. 8 of 2019. The Act provides the legal framework for the development and regulation of a Warehouse Receipt System for Agricultural Commodities. The functions of WRSC as provided in the Act are:

  • a) Facilitate the establishment, maintenance and development of the Warehouse Receipt System for agricultural commodities produced in Kenya;
  • b) Oversee the functioning of the Warehouse Receipt System to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity of the system;
  • c) Establish and maintain a warehouse receipts system that contributes towards structured trading in agricultural commodities;
  • d) Establish and maintain a central registry for the management of warehouse receipt transactions under the Act;
  • e) Promote the development of a national network of privately or publicly managed warehouses that have the capacity to issue warehouse receipts;
  • f) Prescribe the duties of warehouse operators, inspectors, graders and weighers, and collateral managers, operating under this Act in relation to the care of and responsibility for the stored agricultural commodities and related duties;
  • g) Develop and implement, in conjunction with relevant Government agencies, an efficient commodity grading and weighing system that ensures quantity and quality assurance and facilitate the enforcement of commodity standards necessary for the warehouse receipting system;
  • h) Monitor and oversee the issuance, suspension or revocation of registration or licenses issued under this Act;
  • i) Prescribe fees and other charges, payable for the examination, inspection, issuance and renewal of registrations and licenses under the Act;
  • j) Establish mechanisms, including advising on the nature and form of regulations necessary for resolution of disputes between parties under the Act;
  • k) Advice the Cabinet Secretary on matters relating to agricultural commodity trade and warehousing;
  • l) Carry out any other activity incidental or conducive to the carrying out of its functions under the Act or Regulations made under the Act.